Randriamahazo Herilala - Defender of the Turtles

Biologist and Senior Technical Advisor, Turtle Survival Alliance

Randriamahazo Herilala is a dedicated biologist, having worked in both the marine and terrestrial domains in Madagascar. His expertise covers a wide range of initiatives, from the development of conservation plans for endangered species to the implementation of concrete actions on the ground. He has always ensured to collaborate closely with local communities while respecting state institutions, such as the various ministries and regional authorities, which are guarantors of the actions undertaken.
Strongly committed to the fight against the trafficking of endangered species, Herilala has also contributed to the inclusion of precious species in the CITES appendices in order to strengthen their protection. His passion for the conservation of turtles, whether marine, terrestrial or freshwater, is deep and rooted in a personal commitment that goes beyond his professional obligations.
Turtles, which have existed for millions of years with little morphological change, represent for him an example of resilience in the face of challenges.
environmental. However, anthropogenic pressures, such as illegal collection for consumption and illicit trade, now put them in danger of extinction.
Early in his career, Herilala was fortunate to be mentored by a renowned researcher in the field, whose commitment deeply inspired him. One of the highlights of his journey was when he purchased a sea turtle about to be eaten from a fishing village, before releasing it into the Mozambique Channel with the help of the villagers. This symbolic gesture, offered in honor of the birthday of a friend and colleague of the Turtle Survival Alliance, is a testament to his commitment to educating local communities about turtle conservation.
In addition, Herilala has played a key role in coordinating international workshops and symposia aimed at developing action plans for the conservation of reptiles and amphibians, including major events such as CAMP in 2001, PHVA in 2005, the 2008 symposium in Antananarivo, and the Global Action Plan for the Conservation of Endemic Turtles of Madagascar in 2011.

Conservation Leaders:
Animal species

RASOLOFONIAINA Jonia- Defender of turtles

RASOLOFONIAINA Jonia - Turtle Defender Manager of the Anjajavy Protected Area, DVM Jonia Rasolofoniaina is a fervent defender of Madagascar's biodiversity, specializing in the management of marine turtles and

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