BAVARY Ortéga Georgino - Defender of the Lemurs

PhD student in Primatology

Ortéga Bavary Georgino, originally from Diego-Suarez, is currently a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Antananarivo. His specialization is in primatology, but he has also worked on other taxa, such as small mammals and bats.
After obtaining a Master's degree in Natural and Environmental Sciences in 2019 at the University of Antsiranana, Ortéga worked as a consultant on various projects. In 2021, he moved to Antananarivo to continue his doctoral studies and explore new opportunities. Between 2021 and 2023, he was hired as a project assistant and doctoral student on the study of the behavioral ecology of Varecia variegata in the Betampona Integral Nature Reserve.
His field work allowed him to develop a deep connection with lemurs and to see the threats they face, including the worrying demographics of Propithecus in Betampona. This experience reinforced his commitment to the conservation of lemurs, considered an invaluable natural resource for Madagascar.
In 2022, Ortéga received a Duke Lemur Fieldwork Improvement Grant, which allowed him to purchase a personal computer to more efficiently manage the data collected and to acquire camping equipment for his research.

Conservation Leaders:
Animal species

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